
Charlie Rowland, Ratfyn Lakes- Wiltshire

"The pellets breaking down does not worry me the fish still feed on the particle. My lakes are scoured clean where I feed the pellet. So glad I have found you after previous problems with water quality. No problems now and the fish are thriving."

Dan Cook, Richmoor Lake Carp Syndicate- Somerset

“Since receiving our order from BP Milling I have been very impressed with the feed. The carp have been eating the pellet straight away and it can be fed without the usual worries of wastage, it has good ingredients and breakdown rates which mean I have had peace of mind feeding regularly.

Friendly and knowledgeable throughout,  I shall be using BP Milling for years to come.”


Woodside lakes- Wiltshire

These pellets have been such a help with transforming fish. So pleased with the results. Could not recommend them enough. They also come with great service. Thanks Ben.

Mike Kursch, Cherry Lakes- Cotswolds water park



'We have been feeding BP pellets for a year into all four of our lakes. The Carp began feeding on the pellets immediately and have thrived on them.'

'In our specimen lake the Carp have grown considerably and we have numerous examples of Carp putting on 5-6lb's over the year. A recently caught 34-07 Mirror Carp has grown from 17lb to 34lb in just 30 months. Cherry Lake has just produced its first 40lb Common Carp.'

'Equally impressively we have been feeding the Carp in an over stocked lake with fish of different ages and varying condition. Within a year the Carp are all in much better condition and have increased in weight, which says to me that feeding good quality pellets will benefit Carp of all ages and sizes'

'Cherry Lakes is proud to endorse the BP Pellets and will continue to feed them to our Carp into the future'


Pete Young, Etang de Mimi- France

"We first became aware of bens sustainable cereal pellet in 2017 after searching extensively to find a suitable source of winter feed for the lake! We were very aware of particles feeds deteriorating on the lake bed and causing numerous problems for the stock.
BP milling seemed to fit the bill with the natural cereal feed pellet they were offering.
Although our fish had grown steadily over the past few years prior to 2017 we began noticing that their growth was slowing and in some cases had stagnated.
For example, A big common had grown steadily to 38 lbs but then stayed st that weight for 2 years.
After deciding to use bens winter pellet and then the BP Gold throughout the warmer months the big common re appeared the following year at an improved 44 lbs!
This year following a continuing winter/ summer feeding programme the common is now weighing in at 49Lbs!
The pellet has made a considerable difference to all the fish and also helped keep them in tip top condition & healthy throughout the winter months.
We will definitely continue to use BP milling pellets at our fishery, which is especially convenient as Ben can arrange delivery to France and look forward to seeing our fish stock continue to improve in size, strength and overall condition."

Chris Mack, Bartles Lodge & Hall walk- Norfolk

“I have been using BP formulated feed for most of the summer and I can already see the improvement in both the weight and the fitness of all the fish species. Anglers recent comments include how hard thefish fight now compared to prefeeding of BP feeds.I wholeheartedly recommend this feed and I will certainly be using it to improve the fish and angling on all 6 lakes.”

Alan Smith, Smiths Angling Club – Cheltenham

“Our club has 2 lakes, one a general fishery with a good mixture of silver fish, the other a carp fishery. Four years ago we had a major problem with our mixed fishery; the fertility of the lake had dropped and the weed had died out, the fish were not breeding and we had a major cormorant infestation in the winter, which wiped out most of our smaller fish and damaged many of the bigger ones. We asked Andy Ellis for advice and followed his recommendations to restore the fertility of the lake, carry out selected restocking and introduce supplementary feeding. The lake's fertility was restored by introducing well rotted horse manure and Siltex and this has resulted in the return of all of the weed which had died out. The remaining fish and those we stocked have all spawned successfully over the past 2 years and we are now catching lots of younger fish again.

The supplementary feed  has also worked wonders and our fish are healthy and packing on weight. Another side effect has been that we now enjoy great winter fishing, as the fish have continued to feed throughout the colder months. At first we used boiled rolled oats, but these are fiddly to prepare and you need to put a lot in to give the fish enough nutrients. Last year we were told about BP pellets and we decided to order a ton; half being 6mm for our mixed fishery and half 12mm for our carp lake. These have been very successful and as well as having a much higher protein content are a lot less hassle to put in. We put a big bucketful of pellets into our mixed fishery 5 days a week, which equates to a big scoop full in each of the swims. The carp lake gets about the same each week, but we only feed once per week.

I can thoroughly recommend supplementary feeding of BP pellets to any club with a lake. Some of our members were doubtful at first, thinking that the fish would not respond to angler's baits. In fact the opposite has been the case and often anglers have started fishing just after pellets have been fed and found the fish were taking their baits immediately. We used to think that nature would take care of our fisheries, but we have found out the hard way that it doesn't!”

Andy and Debbie Machin, Lemington Lakes - Moreton-in-Marsh

“We have been running ‘Lemington Lakes’ fishery and ‘Cotswold Lake Supplies’ fish farm for the last 12 years, we have always supplemented our fishing lakes with a low protein micronised wheat flake to keep our fish in good health and maintain their condition, on the fish farm we have been using a fishmeal based pellet, which was the only product on the market to give us good growth rates. 

We started using BP milling 2 years ago on our Cefas registered fish farm because we wanted to move away from the fishmeal based pellet and use a more natural pellet whilst still maintaining growth rates which is also better for the fish and the water quality. Since changing over to BP Milling and using their 25% protein cereal supplement pellet in both the 6mm and 12mm we have seen our fish stock health maintained and we have also seen good growth rates, which is why we have started using it in the fishing lakes as well as the fish farm and are seeing similar results.When Ben came to us with the new BP gold with the higher protein content we decided to trial it in some of the stock ponds on the fish farm and after our first summer of using the new pellet we have seen some incredible growth rates and will now be using it in all the stock ponds in the main period of the growing season. 

Lemington Lakes and Cotswold Lake Supplies are pleased to be associated with BP Milling and we’re looking forward to the future.”

Earl of Harrington Angling Club - Derby

“Having taken up the advice of Andrew Ellis / AE Fisheries to adopt a fisheries management plan and to start a feed supplement program, we took our first delivery of BP Milling feed supplement pellets in early 2015 and started a feed program pretty much immediately. 
I have to say that the results were quick to materialise.  In our specimen lake the carp emerged from their “Winter lethargy” in Spring looking the healthiest they have ever looked and in tip top condition ready for spawning. 
We had no casualties from the rigors of spawning and I am pretty certain that this was directly attributable to the feed supplement improving the conditioning of our fish.  We have witnessed excellent “healthy” weight gains of carp in our stocky / rearing lake, with stocked fish of 2lb comfortably doubling in weight over the summer and in mint condition too. 
Without doubt, BP Milling feed supplement pellets has made a big difference to our fish and I would have no hesitation in recommending them to other fisheries.  We look forward to seeing our second year benefits and to working further with Ben.”

Hugh Mannall, Arden Lakes - Stratford-Upon-Avon

“After netting our specimen lake for the first time we could see that the carp were in need of extra food and so following advice, we started a programme of supplementary feeds throughout the year. As an angler myself I had some concerns that this would impact negatively on the sport our regular day-ticket anglers expected, however any concerns quickly disappeared and the lake is fishing much better with the fish now patrolling the whole lake actively searching for food.
The day following feeding usually produces improved sport for the anglers especially for those who loose feed more heavily than their neighbours on other pegs. The fish are now looking significantly fitter and healthier with some of our regular anglers asking if we have restocked the lake as its fishing so much better than the previous few years.  
Having seen the positive effects of supplementary feeding using pellets supplied by BP Milling we will be continuing with feeding programme at Aden Lakes as part of our ongoing management plan to improve both the quality of our fish and the sport we can offer our anglers."

Neil Carpenter, Carpenters Lake - Wanstrow

“Well I'm over the moon with the feed pellet , we have been feeding flaked wheat for years but it's got his down falls; can’t throw it out far and, I've got to mix it with water if the wind is up, but with the 12mm pellet you can get it out 50 yards which is great for my lake.
I also fish with the pellet as I can add oil and flavours to match my bait so it's cheaper than baiting up with boillies. It’s so handy coming in the 500kg bags, just load your buckets up and spoon it out.
My fish definitely looking fitter and healthier now. One particular fish has stayed around 31lb for 6 years, since feeding with BP Milling feeds, I recently caught this fish at a lake record weight of 35lb 2oz.”

Chris Feeley, Whistley Waters - Gillingham

“We have had fantastic results from regularly feeding your pellets. All the fish look better for it,  with deeper bodied, plump looking fish.
We had no fish loss at all last spring, where as in previous years we have had numerous fish mortalities throughout the fishery, so the health benefits are obvious too.

Ben is also great to deal with and delivery is swift and reliable.”

Nic Brown, Lac Du Coron

“Hi Ben, thought I'd drop you a line, one because of how pleased I am and two because I thought you'd find it interesting.

We started feeding your gold pellet into both our lakes and both stock ponds in late March and I am blown away by the results im achieving.

1st things 1st the fish actually seem to want it, a problem I've always found before when feeding fishmeal alternatives.

Secondly the growth rates we are getting are awesome, especially in Lac Solace where the average weight gain since December is a little over 5lbs, unbelievable when you consider the time of year. The 2 images attached emphasize this. Me stocking it in in December, and it's 1st apparence on the bank in mid April, nearly 8lbs growth, hard to believe, but true.

The lake is seriously packed with naturals and I also feed maize and boilie, but the bulk is your pellet and I can say with confidence I wouldn't be getting these results without the BP Gold.

Both stock ponds are also showing solid growth and condition.

And finally, the impact, or lack of impact on the water quality, especially important in our small shallow stock ponds.

Keep up the good work, I'll be ordering another ton soon. Nic”


Neil Crow, Lake Fisheries

"I'm less than 5 years in to sustainable Aquafeed for my lake, originally stocked with fingerlings and it has now just produced a fish just under 18lb. 
I couldn't be more pleased with their food well done too BP Milling.
many Thanks


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