The first British feed manufacturer to develop alternative products for stillwater sport fisheries. A passion for healthy fishery development, fuelled by passionate industry professionals that share the same vision.
BP Milling have exposed the simplicity behind producing first-class coarse fish with the absence of expensive ‘High Nutritional Value’ ingredients.
New manufacturing processes use heat, humidity and pressure to transform the digestion capacity and absorbency of affordable ingredients for maximum feed conversion.
Our manufacturing processes maximise the nutritional value of affordable ingredients for your optimum cost efficiency.
We understand that feeding your livestock needs to be cost efficient. We aim to produce affordable feeds by using the cereals harvested from our own farm, thus cutting out the middle men, buying in bulk, manufacturing in bulk and supplying in bulk so that we can all enjoy value for money.
Water quality friendly
Our feeds are formulated to avoid the typical issues associated with high oil, high protein, fishmeal feeds. Using cereals and sensible protein levels ensure that the organic breakdown of our formulas have minimal impact on water quality. Forumulated to a sensible level of protein and fat to suit outdoor fishery application with no compromise to water quality.
Lab tests independently verified by Scientific Analysis Laboratories (SAL) have consistently shown that our feeds have an ammonia contribution up to 5 times lower than the industry standard fishmeal feeds.
Build Value
We aim to share our knowledge on livestock welfare and nutrition, introducing our expertise into the fishery industry to help fishery managers realise the potential of their livestock to get the very best from their fishery every year.
Investing in the health of your valuable livestock is a crucial part to protecting the future of your fishery. By using our feeds we seek to ensure that your stock achieve healthy weight gains year-on-year to increase their value and attract angling demand.
The benefits to feeding fisheries are endless and the advantages are quick to materialise, the first things you will notice is:
Reduction in fish stress
Increased and consistent feeding activity
Faster post-capture recovery times
Improvement in fish health condition
Healthy immune response to infection
“We like to keep things simple, you will never see us marketing a new ‘revolutionary’ idea every week. We stick to the same core principles with simple formulations that we know will work for you.”