Fantastic products, service and support
Hi Ben I've been soaking the pellet in natropel and feeding fish .I will let you know how it's performing over the spring.Thanks Stece
Lots of great work going on at Lac Soupir by new owner Aaron who is keen to take the venue to new levels. John Flewin of 'Tales Media' is a close friend of ours at BP Milling, John introduced Aaron to our products in the Spring.
Aaron was looking for a supplementary feed to encourage the old stock at Lac Soupir to feed and graze the substrate regularly so that they progress into beastly proportions for years to come. After a few conversations with Aaron we had his first order of BP GOLD shipped to him. After just a few weeks this is what Aaron had to say...
“Since being introduced to Ben at Bp milling, the knowledge of Ben and this company is outstanding!! After placing my first order not only was it a great price and delivery service but the quality of the product is fantastic I’ve started feeding my lakes and I can happily say the fish are already on the pellet, not only feeding but polishing spots, they can’t get enough of it!! In my opinion this the future of feeding and moving forward. I personally will not go anywhere else, the fishes reaction to this feed is truly incredible” Aaron Townsend, Lac Soupir